Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021

Diet Schedule To Burn Belly Fat

Diet Schedule To Burn Belly Fat

Getting rid of belly fat isn't just about fitting into skinny jeans—research shows that people with less visceral belly fat (the fat that surrounds your organs) have a decreased risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. So not only will losing fat help you look and feel better, it will also help ward off dangerous health issues.

While there isn't one magic food that will melt away belly fat, studies have reported certain foods have special belly-fat-burning benefits, such as avocado, artichokes, whole grains, kefir, green tea, eggs, peanuts and chickpeas. These foods work in different ways to help shrink fat cells and decrease waist circumference. This 7-day meal plan incorporates these flat-belly foods, plus vegetables, whole grains, fruits and healthy fats and protein, in delicious ways to help make it easier to lose belly fat and feel great.

How to Meal Prep You Week of Meals:

  1. Meal prep the Spinach & Artichoke Salad with Parmesan Vinaigrette (made with flat-belly foods!) to have for lunch on Days 2 through 5. Store the salad in an air-tight container (To buy:, $25.99 for 5) and the dressing separately in a small container (To buy:, $12 for 8).
  2. Make the Greek Muffin-Tin Omelets with Feta & Peppers to have for a quick grab-and-go breakfast on Days 1, 2, 3 and 7. Store in glass air-tight containers (To buy:, $7.19 for 1) and reheat in the microwave on High for 20 to 30 seconds when ready to eat. Freeze any remaining egg muffins in the freezer.
  3. Make the Chile-Lime Peanuts and store in a glass air-tight container to keep fresh (To buy:, $7.19 for 1 medium container) to have throughout the week.

Day 1

Baked Vegetable Soup

Flat-Belly Bonus: Research has found that eating nuts is associated with a slimmer waistline and lower BMI. And the kick of spice you'll find in the Chile-Lime Peanuts recipe can help boost your metabolism, thanks to the compound capsaicin.

Breakfast (290 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Greek Muffin-Tin Omelets with Feta & Peppers
  • 1 medium orange
  • 8 oz. green tea

A.M. Snack (214 calories, 11 g fiber)

  • 1 cup low-fat kefir
  • 1 cup raspberries, fresh or frozen
  • 2 tsp. chia seeds

Lunch (345 calories, 8 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Whole-Wheat Veggie Wrap

P.M. Snack (221 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1/4 cup Chile-Lime Peanuts

Dinner (410 calories, 13 g fiber)

  • 2 cups Baked Vegetable Soup
  • 1 4-inch whole-wheat pita round, toasted and topped with 1/4 cup hummus

Daily Totals: 1,480 calories, 62 g protein, 153 g carbohydrates, 41 g fiber, 76 g fat, 2,367 mg sodium

Day 2

Chickpea Pasta with Lemony-Parsley Pesto

Flat-Belly Bonus: Chickpeas are a flat-belly food with 5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein in 1/2 cup. Those nutrients fill you up and stabilize your blood sugar to keep you satisfied. Plus, chickpea eaters have waists 2 inches smaller than people who don't eat the bean. Today's Chickpea Pasta with Lemony-Parsley Pesto and Flat-Belly Salad at dinner delivers belly-fat burning chickpeas and artichokes.

Breakfast (290 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Greek Muffin-Tin Omelets with Feta & Peppers
  • 1 medium orange
  • 8 oz. green tea

A.M. Snack (214 calories, 11 g fiber)

  • 1 cup low-fat kefir
  • 1 cup raspberries, fresh or frozen
  • 2 tsp. chia seeds

Lunch (324 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Spinach & Artichoke Salad with Parmesan Vinaigrette

P.M. Snack (46 calories, 2 g fiber)

  • 1 1/2 cups air-popped popcorn topped with 1 tsp. Italian seasoning

Dinner (630 calories, 12 g fiber)

  • 1 3/4 cups Chickpea Pasta with Lemony-Parsley Pesto

Daily Totals: 1,504 calories, 62 g protein, 122 g carbohydrates, 33 g fiber, 92 g fat, 1,940 mg sodium

Day 3

chickpea curry

Flat-Belly Bonus: Green tea contains compounds called catechins that can protect against obesity. Plus the caffeine slightly revs up your metabolism. Add in a cup or two of green tea to you daily routine, like we do in this meal plan, to get more of its health benefits.

Breakfast (290 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Greek Muffin-Tin Omelets with Feta & Peppers
  • 1 medium orange
  • 8 oz. green tea

A.M. Snack (210 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 medium banana
  • 1 Tbsp. peanut butter

Lunch (324 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Spinach & Artichoke Salad with Parmesan Vinaigrette

P.M. Snack (159 calories, 11 g fiber)

  • 1/2 cup low-fat kefir
  • 1 cup raspberries, fresh or frozen
  • 2 tsp. chia seeds

Dinner (446 calories, 10 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Chickpea Curry
  • 1 (6-inch) whole-wheat pita bread

Evening Snack (103 calories, 3 g fiber)

  • 1 serving (2 rings) Apple "Donuts"

Daily Totals: 1,526 calories, 58 g protein, 163 g carbohydrates, 35 g fiber, 77 g fat, 1,858 mg sodium

Day 4

Roasted Root Veggies and Greens over Spiced Lentils

Flat-Belly Bonus: Fiber-rich lentils feed healthy gut bacteria and keep things moving along smoothly in your gut to prevent bloating and constipation. And adding dark leafy greens (as we do in tonight's dinner) helps you take in fewer calories without increasing hunger. As per Harvard University research, vegetables are the number one food that promotes weight loss.

Breakfast (380 calories, 10 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Matcha Green-Tea Latte
  • 1 serving Everything Bagel Avocado Toast
  • 2 kiwi fruit

A.M. Snack (113 calories, 1 g fiber)

  • 1/2 serving (1 muffin) Greek Muffin-Tin Omelets with Feta & Peppers

Lunch (324 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Spinach & Artichoke Salad with Parmesan Vinaigrette

P.M. Snack (221 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1/4 cup Chile-Lime Peanuts

Dinner (453 calories, 14 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Roasted Root Veggies & Greens over Spiced Lentils

Daily Totals: 1,491 calories, 65 g protein, 130 g carbohydrates, 32 g fiber, 86 g fat, 1,753 mg sodium

Day 5

Spaghetti Squash & Chicken with Avocado Pesto

Flat-Belly Bonus: Oats are a powerhouse whole grain, high in satisfying fiber. People who swapped out refined grains and ate more whole grains (like oatmeal and brown rice) lost belly fat. Today's easy breakfast recipe for lunch delivers a healthy dose of this healthy grain in the form of yummy muesli.

Breakfast (490 calories, 18 g fiber)

  • 1 cup kefir
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened muesli
  • 3/4 cup raspberries

Top kefir with muesli and berries

  • 8 oz. green tea

A.M. Snack (113 calories, 1 g fiber)

  • 1/2 serving (1 muffin) Greek Muffin-Tin Omelets with Feta & Peppers

Lunch (324 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Spinach & Artichoke Salad with Parmesan Vinaigrette

P.M. Snack (95 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 medium apple

Dinner (497 calories, 8 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Spaghetti Squash & Chicken with Avocado Pesto

Daily Totals: 1,519 calories, 77 g protein, 152 g carbohydrates, 35 g fiber, 76 g fat, 1,449 mg sodium

Day 6

3-Day Kick-Start Meal Plan

Flat-Belly Bonus: People who eat avocado regularly are more likely to have smaller waists. True, avocados are high in fat but it's the good kind that keeps your heart healthy and fills you up.

Breakfast (296 calories, 6 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Matcha Green-Tea Latte
  • 1 serving Everything Bagel Avocado Toast

A.M. Snack (113 calories, 1 g fiber)

  • 1/2 serving (1 muffin) Greek Muffin-Tin Omelets with Feta & Peppers

Lunch (360 calories, 13 g fiber)

  • 1 serving White Bean & Veggie Salad

A.M. Snack (210 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 medium banana
  • 1 Tbsp. peanut butter

Dinner (532 calories, 5 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Shrimp Paulista
  • 1 cup cooked brown rice topped with 1 tsp. chopped parsley
  • 1 cup steamed broccoli florets topped with 2 tsp. olive oil and seasoned with a pinch each of salt and pepper

Daily Totals: 1,512 calories, 73 g protein, 156 g carbohydrates, 29 g fiber, 70 g fat, 1,666 mg sodium

Day 7

Hasselback Caprese Chicken

Flat-Belly Bonus: Protein from eggs can help you slim down and build muscle. Eating quality protein-just 10 grams-at meals throughout the day is linked with smaller waistlines.

Breakfast (290 calories, 4 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Greek Muffin-Tin Omelets with Feta & Peppers
  • 1 medium orange
  • 8 oz. green tea

A.M. Snack (200 calories, 5 g fiber)

  • 1 medium apple
  • 1 Tbsp. peanut butter

Lunch (230 calories, 11 g fiber)

  • 1 serving White Bean & Avocado Toast

P.M. Snack (186 calories, 11 g fiber)

  • 3/4 cup low-fat kefir
  • 1 cup raspberries, fresh or frozen
  • 2 tsp. chia seeds

Dinner (605 calories, 8 g fiber)

  • 1 serving Hasselback Caprese Chicken
  • 1 cup cooked brown rice
  • 1/2 tsp. dried oregano

Daily Totals: 1,510 calories, 84 g protein, 174 g carbohydrates, 40 g fiber, 60 g fat, 1,704 mg sodium

Diet Schedule To Burn Belly Fat



Senin, 06 Desember 2021

Small Dining Tables And Chairs For Small Spaces

Small Dining Tables And Chairs For Small Spaces

11 Dining Tables That Fit Perfectly In Small Spaces

These small-space specific dining tables don't sacrifice form for function.

You're adulting like a boss and you just moved into a new apartment. If that apartment is a studio or a tiny one-bedroom, you might be wondering how to maximize your minimal space. While it might seem like you have to give up some conveniences, like a functional kitchen, that's not always the case. Just because you're relegated to a small-space living doesn't mean you can't create a modern breakfast nook. Need some inspo? These dining tables fit perfectly in small spaces, and they won't break the bank.

The secret to successfully living in a small space is selecting pieces that are both functional and stylish. While you might be tempted to forgo a dining table altogether, consider the fact that dining tables are often the place where good conversations take place. If you live with someone else, or you entertain on the regular, a dining table is a must. With so many people opting for small-space living these days, it's easy to find a dining table that looks like it was tailor made for your small pad.

From mid-century modern gems that will induce FOMO from friends to tables that fold up and tuck away to pieces that double as desks, there's a small-space specific dining table that you're sure to love. What's more, smaller dining tables and dining sets tend to be much more affordable than their larger cousins. This means you'll have money leftover to buy an accent rug to define your dining space. If you have an open-concept studio apartment, being able to visually differentiate your space is key to a positive energy flow.

Ready to deck out your tiny dining space or breakfast nook? Consider one of these small-space dining sets that don't sacrifice form for function.

1. Small-Space Style: Taulbee Dining Table

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

When considering kitchen or dining tables for small spaces, it's important to search for pieces that maximize space and provide storage. What's more, small and space-saving don't have to be synonymous with blah. If you're looking for something modern that makes maximum use of minimum space, this Taulbee Dining Table from Wayfair is perfect. With built-in storage, this table does double duty as a dining table and storage cabinet.

With clean lines, a simple design, and seating for four, this table will complement almost any design concept."A versatile table that will fit in any kitchen or social area, this table is ready for all your needs. With Storage built in, this table is a great addition to the tight spaces that are found in today's modern world," Wayfair noted. If you're all thumbs when it comes to assembling furniture (guilty!), you can purchase assembly for an additional fee. This table is so affordable you'll have money left over to grab some dining chairs, too.

Latitude Run Taulbee Dining Table: $169; Normand Contemporary Dining Chairs: Starting at $68.99 each

2. Modern Minimalism: Amandes Counter Height Dining Table

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

Create a relaxing spot in your small apartment for eating and intimate conversations with the Amandes Counter Height Dining Table from Wayfair. Modern and simple, this tall table also has three shelves for storage so you can maximize your small space. Position the table under a window to create a serene environment, or tuck it away in a corner nook for a cozy dining experience. Choose from three colors — merlot, white ash, and gray.

Reviewers on Wayfair are raving about this dining table with one person saying: "Beautiful well-made table and chairs. Perfect height and width. Added near large window so can look outside while sipping coffee and watching beautiful snow fall." Another person noted: "I really love this table. It is perfect for the small space that I have ... I also love the display shelves." Most reviewers recommend using two chairs instead of four for a more comfortable fit.

Alcott Hill Amandes Counter Height Dining Table: Starting at $319

3. Mad for Mod: Holly & Martin Oden Table

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

If your design concept has a more funky feel, this retro Holly & Martin Oden Table from Overstock is the perfect dining table to complement your style. Ideal for a small kitchen or open concept apartment, this small-space specific dining table doesn't sacrifice form for function. Overstock describes this table as "an epic white tabletop that diverges from burnt oak tapered legs for a playful, mad for mod feel." The chairs are sold separately so you can choose a set that meet your needs.

One reviewer said: "Good small size for the limited space in my small apartment kitchen. The legs are real wood and have a nice patina/weathered finish." Another commented: "We have a small nook area in our kitchen and this is the perfect height and width. Very easy to assemble and looks great." For the price, mid-century modern lovers will adore this table, and everyone will think you spent more than you did. Fear not, your secret is safe with me.

Holly & Martin Oden Table: Starting at $160.64;Trige Lorem Green Mid Century Side Chairs: Starting at $84.85

4. Raise the Bar: Modern Cappuccino Multi-Storage Bar Table

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

Living in a small space means selecting items that serve more than one purpose. If you're on the hunt for both a bar and a small-space dining table, the Modern Cappuccino Multi-Storage Bar Table from Overstock is the perfect pick. With three shelves for displaying liquor and wine and an undercarriage for storing glassware, this table is the epitome of space-saving style. Pair it with mid-century modern stools to complete the look.

Reviewers looking for a multi-functional table are raving about this choice. "I have a 26.5 x 12.5 ft living room (long and narrow) and wanted something to put at the farthest end of the room where it looked a little empty. This little bar table fits my needs," one person said. Another commented: "My town home has limited space and this bar table fit the bill. It is also functional in holding a full case of wine."

Furniture of America Miura Modern Cappuccino Multi-Storage Bar Table: $176.49;Modern Adjustable Barstools: Starting at $64.99 for a set of two

5. Creative Cubism: Baxter 5-Piece Dining Table Set

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

For small spaces without a lot of available storage, the Baxter 5-Piece Dining Table Set from is a creative solution that doesn't sacrifice style for storage. This tiny table comes with four stools that push in to save space when you're not using them. What's more, these stools have a secret — they double as storage bins so you can keep your small apartment clutter free. For the price, this is one of the best all-in-one options out there.

"I love this dinette set. It's perfect for a smaller eat-in area. The stools also give you extra storage. I've put extra paper products in it and office supplies. The stools nest under the table to tuck it out of the way until you need to use the table. I highly recommend this set and it's a great price," one reviewer noted. People who purchased this table also agreed that it's super easy to put together.

Target Marketing Systems Baxter 5-Piece Dining Table Set: Starting at $179.99

6. Mid-Century Space Saver: Hillsboro Dining Set

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

Mid-century modern minimalism at its finest, the complete Hillsboro Dining Set is the perfect small-dining table set for your tiny kitchen or breakfast nook. With a clean white-finish table and chairs available in a variety of colors, this all-in-one dining set is sure to complement any design concept. Lightweight with  stackable chairs, this choice is easy to move around when you decide you want to switch up your set up.

You can also get this dining set in espresso brown, or with two chairs instead of four. One reviewer noted: "The table and chairs are the perfect size for my breakfast nook." Assembly is easy, which means you won't have to spend extra money to put this dining set together. Just open the box, follow the directions, and enjoy your dining set an hour later.

Hillsboro 5-Piece Dining Set (White): $420.99; Hillsboro 5-Piece Dining Set (Espresso Brown): $357.99;Hillsboro 3-Piece Dining Set (White): $315.99

7. Super Space Saver: Caspian Foldable Dining Table

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

If your digs are super tiny, you might think you have to forgo a dining table altogether. Not so my friendlies. For small studio apartments, the Caspian Foldable Dining Table from Wayfair can help you maximize minimal space. Complete with storage cabinets, this table can be folded up and tucked away when you're not using it. Even though it's small, this table is mighty — it has seating for four people.

Pair the table with a set of chic folding chairs that you can store when you're not entertaining. The secret to successful small-space living is choosing pieces you can tuck away when you don't need them, and this table does just that. When you collapse this table, you can still use it for storage. Slide the chairs under your bed to reduce visual clutter.

Caspian Foldable Dining Table: Starting at $163.99; Winsome Robin Wood 4-Piece Folding Chair Set: $134.99

8. Functional and Fun: Extendable Restaurant Dining Table

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

Need a dining table that doubles as a desk that can grow when you have guests? Look no further than the Extendable Restaurant Dining Table Computer Laptop Breakfast Desk from This table is modern minimalism at its finest. "This extension table has a traditional design, but its simplicity makes it a good fit for modern interiors as well," noted in the product description. "Additional pedestal base with storage shelves."

Pair this table with a set of chairs like the Flash Furniture Restaurant Wood and Metal Dining Chair. Made from solid wood and steel, these are chairs you'll have for years and years. "This slim, contemporary chair will provide a different look and feel to your space. The floor glides help protect your floors and ensure smooth gliding," said. This contemporary dining concept is ideal for funky studio apartments and lofts.

Extendable Restaurant Dining Table Computer Laptop Breakfast Desk: Starting at $89.99;Flash Furniture Restaurant Wood and Metal Dining Chairs: Starting at $49.98 each

9. Complements Any Concept: Cruz Dining Table

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

For a sleek mid-century modern look that's also easy to fold up and store out of sight, the Cruz Dining Table from All Modern is the ideal choice. Round dining tables are perfect for facilitating conversation, and even the smallest round table can fit four chairs. This makes tables like this perfect picks for small-space living concepts. Adding this table to your apartment is sure to inspire FOMO from everyone who visits.

"This table is so cute. Nice size, pretty sturdy. I have gotten compliments from everyone who has come into my apartment," one reviewer said. Others called it "perfect" for small spaces. To complete the look add a set of Downridge Solid Wood Dining Chairs. Choose from a variety of colors to create a kitchen concept that matches your own personal style.

Cruz Dining Table: Starting at $246.99; Downridge Solid Wood Dining Chairs: $65.75 each

10. Simple and Stylish: Winsome Trading Pauline 3-Piece Dining Set

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

If you're going for a look that's both simple and stylish, look no further than the Winsome Trading Pauline 3-Piece Dining Set from Hayneedle. Sleek and sophisticated, this all-in-one dining set is an upgrade to any small-space design concept. "Each piece in the Winsome Trading Pauline 3-Piece Dining Set is crafted from wood for a durable build you can enjoy for years to come," the product description noted. "The walnut finish of this dining set makes it a versatile addition to your home that works well with a variety of decor styles and colors."

What's more, if you're on a budget, this set is the picture of affordable elegance. It also ships for free, which allows you to save even more money so you can grab some other items to complete your own personal design concept. This is a dining set that can grow up with you, and it's an ideal choice for those who want pieces that transcend time and trends.

Winsome Trading Pauline 3-Piece Dining Set: Starting at $205.16

11. Sleek and Stylish: Marie Dining Table

Dining Tables For Small Spaces

For modern minimalists, the Trent Austin Design Marie Dining Table from All Modern is a sleek and sophisticated choice. This is a table that will fit seamlessly into any small-space design concept, and it will match almost all of your existing decor. "This Marie Dining Table adds sophisticated style to your entertaining ensemble. Its solid color blends effortlessly into both monochromatic and vibrant color palettes while its rectangular silhouette sits up to six people," the product description explained.

Add two Marie Side Chairs to complete the look. With almost 400 five-star reviews, this table is sure to please. "The table looks even better than anticipated. It is very easy to assemble. It is heavy and, therefore, sturdy. Cleans up beautifully. Am delighted with it," one reviewer raved. Another said: "This table is gorgeous and durable....a beautiful finish. Way prettier than picture."

Marie Dining Table: $179.99; Marie Side Chairs: $164.99 for a set of two

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Small Dining Tables And Chairs For Small Spaces



What Size Rug Goes Under A Dining Table

What Size Rug Goes Under A Dining Table

Table, Furniture, Coffee table, Wood, Desk, Room,

Getty; Courtesy Getty Images

1 A 19th-Century English Extending Oak Dining Table

Buy Now $31,380.84

Made circa 1820, this "very unusual antique dining table" is made of oak covered with medullary rays. It's unique since mahogany was in fashion during the Regency period, and "the use of oak for construction of high fashion furniture was not common at the time." It also splits into two separate console tables.

2 A 1970s Burr and Chrome Paul Evans Cityscape Extendable Dining Table

Buy Now $31,380.84

Designed by Paul Evans, this burr and chrome table can seat up to 14 people and was part of the designer's Cityscape Collection, a series that ran from 1971 to 1981.

3 A Late 18th-Century Directoire Extendable Mahogany, Brass, and Gilt Bronze Table

Buy Now $31,378.43

This mahogany table from the Directory period can seat between 8 and 18 and can be extended up to 230 inches.

4 "Half Moon," a Marble and Brass or Gold-Plated Dining Table Designed by Lara Bohinc

Buy Now $30,616

Slovenian-born designer Lara Bohinc offers "Half Moon," a dining table featuring marbles including black and gold, Verde Guatemala, Picasso, Calacatta, Red Wine, and Monclair, all framed by solid brushed brass or 22-carat gold-plated steel rims. It requires more than 100 hours of work and production takes 15 to 16 weeks.

5 A Walnut Concave Dining Table

Buy Now $30,366.22

Dunleavy Bespoke designed this option in American black walnut, which is hand-sculpted into an elliptical concave form. Production takes 10 to 11 weeks.

Contributing Digital Editor Sam Dangremond is a Contributing Digital Editor at Town & Country, where he covers men's style, cocktails, travel, and the social scene.

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What Size Rug Goes Under A Dining Table



Provence Dining Set

Provence Dining Set

two dining sets for small spaces

Urban Outfitters/AllModern

You may live in a small space that lacks a dining room, but that doesn't mean you can't carve out a space for mealtimes and entertaining guests. There are plenty of smaller dining table sets out there that can fit in even the tiniest of spaces—especially if you go for a counter height set with stools that can tuck underneath your table. Whether you're looking to seat two people, four people, or even just one person, these bistro sets have you covered. As a bonus, several of these options are under $200, and all are under $400—meaning they take up as little space in your wallet as they do in your home.

1 Haskall Breakfast Bar

Not only does this breakfast bar set seat two people with plenty of space to eat, the stools hang neatly from built-in racks under the table, so you can stash them away when not in use (or for easy sweeping and vacuuming).

2 3-Piece Drop Leaf Dining Set



This gold-and-white table and chairs set is simple and sleek, and since this table has a drop-leaf section, it can take up as much (or as little) space as you'd like.

3 5-Piece Dining Room Bar Table Set

If you have a little more room to play with and want to seat more than two people, this 5-piece pub set comes with four stools, all of which tuck neatly under the table.

4 NORDEN / RĂ…SKOG Table and 2 Stools

This set from Ikea features a solid pine drop-leaf table (with storage drawers!) and two metal stools. Fold both leaves down to save even more space, fold one out to seat two people, or fold both out to seat four or more.

5 Ethel Rectangular 3-Piece Bar Set

For a particularly narrow space, this 3-piece pub set is the perfect choice—the table is only 17 inches deep, after all, and you can tuck the stools in to save even more space.

6 3-Piece Bar Table Set


A tall, narrow round table is a smart choice for any small space, and pairs perfectly with two stools. Even if all you have to spare is a little nook, this set can fit right in.

7 Millie Walnut 5-Piece Dining Set


Another option for people with a little more room to seat guests, this round table comes with four stools, but at only 31.5 inches in diameter, this table takes up a lot less space than a typical dining room set.

8 Counter Height Dining Table Set with Storage

If you need a narrow dining set solutionand some added storage, this 19.5-inch-wide table seats two and features three deep shelves and hooks for all your kitchen accessories.

9 Walnut Counter Height Dining Set


With two chairs and a table that's only 35 inches wide, this simple wood bistro set is perfect for carving out a small but cozy dining room area, even in a studio apartment.

10 BJURSTA / NILS Table and Stool

If you only need a dining solution for one, this drop-down, wall-mounted table pairs perfectly with one stool for a meal space that only takes up room when you need it to—plus, you can always get an extra stool to serve a second person.

Market Editor, House Beautiful Brittney Morgan is a noted land mermaid and a Virgo with a penchant for crafts, red lipstick, and buying way too many throw pillows.

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Provence Dining Set



Minggu, 05 Desember 2021

Hanging Plates On Dining Room Wall

Hanging Plates On Dining Room Wall

Look, we all love a good gallery wall. But in the same maximalist spirit that moves me to constantly find new places to wallpaper, I've often thought, "what else could I hang on my wall?" While art is a necessary staple of any home, that art doesn't have to be confined to paintings and prints in frames—there are plenty of other objects to add to your decor. Take, for example, plates.

People have been hanging plates on walls for essentially as long as decorative plates have existed. After all, with the fine craftsmanship and detailed painting on Limoges and other porcelain, these pieces are just as much works of art as useful serving pieces. From England to France to the American South, tabletop lovers have long hung plates on the wall both as a form of decoration and, sometimes, a clever storage option.

Table, Room, Interior design, Dining room, Furniture, Brunch, Meal, Leaf, Branch, Breakfast,
My blank wall.

Kathryn Wirsing

No one knows this better than John Derian, designer, shop owner, and decoupage artist extraordinaire. He has earned a cult following for his decorative plates, featuring repurposed motifs from vintage books and prints. Too pretty to eat off, Derian's plates make the perfect fodder for a decorative wall. So, when his company generously sent me an array of plates after I moved into my new apartment, I set out to create a plate wall of my own. Here's how I did it.

Don't have a stash of plates lying around? Try tag sales or Etsy for sets of inexpensive dinnerware you can use for this project.

Room, Tree, Antler, Plant, Fawn, Deer,
Measuring the plate backdrop.

Kathryn Wirsing

1. Measure your background

Find the bare wall (or section of wall) where you want to hang your plates, and measure out the width and height of the area you want to cover. This will be the canvas for your wall art.

Textile, Still life, Visual arts, Table, Art, Painting, Cuisine,
Plates arranged on a table roughly the same size as the hanging background.

Kathryn Wirsing

2. Arrange your plates

Using your measurements as a guide, lay out your plates on the floor or a surface the correct size, moving around until you get an arrangement you like. Tip: If you're using plates of varying sizes and shapes, vary them throughout, but keep larger pieces towards the bottom so the arrangement doesn't feel top-heavy.

peach room with tape on wall in place of frames
The taped outline.

Kathryn Wirsing

3. Tape out your plan

Using blue painters tape, translate the arrangement on the table or floor to the wall. I find it easiest to start by measuring the placement of the center piece, then working out from there for the others, mapping out the distance between each plate and its size to get a mock up on the wall.

Deluxe Plate Display Hangers

Creative Hobbies


4. Attach hangers

The big difference between framed art and plates is that art—since it's created to hang on a wall—usually comes with a wire or hanger. Plates, obviously, do not. That's where your new best friend comes in: plate hanging wires. Get the kind with springs, so they'll hold your plate tightly, and with coated edges, so they won't crack or chip them. The wires come in various sizes for every kind of plate, and most come with hooks and nails to hang them on. Attach the wires to the plates.

5. Hang!

Now it's time to hang! For each plate, measure the distance from the top of the plate to the wire that will catch on the hook behind it, then nail a hook into the wall that same place on your taped outline of the plate. Tip: If you live in an older building and your walls tend to shake a lot when you hammer into them, nail in all the hooks before hanging all the plates.

Room, Yellow, Wall, Table, Brown, Branch, Leaf, Furniture, Interior design, Wood,
My wall before and after.

Kathryn Wirsing

6. Adjust if needed

Even the best DIYers make mistakes, and despite your measuring, something might look a bit off when all is said and hung. If so, don't be afraid to adjust, swapping plates or moving the hooks a bit—your plates will likely cover any extra holes!

And voilĂ ! Now you have a new kind of wall art.

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Hanging Plates On Dining Room Wall



Parker Spade Back Dining Chairs

Parker Spade Back Dining Chairs

Parker phone table, teak circa 1960s with open shelf and single…

Parker phone table, teak circa 1960s with open shelf and single drawer on turned legs, height 60 cm, length 56 cm, width 39 cm

Parker console table, teak circa 1960s with single drawer on…

Parker console table, teak circa 1960s with single drawer on turned legs, height 74 cm, length 90 cm, width 46 cm

Dining table, teak circa 1960s by Parker, butterfly extension…

Dining table, teak circa 1960s by Parker, butterfly extension with tapered turned legs, height 74 cm, width 244 cm, width 107 cm

A Parker style coffee table, with wood table top and chrome…
Four seater mid-century sofa for Parker furniture, Recovered in…

Four seater mid-century sofa for Parker furniture, Recovered in blue wool blend cotton fabric from Warwick Melbourne. Australia, c 1960s, 77 cm high, 220 cm wide, 75 cm deep

Retro Parker style teak buffet 155 cm wide, 45 cm deep, 166 cm…
Quantity of various vintage biros including Parker and cross
Retro Parker sideboard 183 cm wide, 45.5 cm deep, 74 cm high
A large Parker mid century mirror, 1150 x 100 cm
Retro Parker buffet cabinet 152 cm wide, 40 cm deep, 115 cm high
A set of six mid-century modern Australian teak dining chairs,…
Armchair for Parker, teak with rattan back, original red vinyl…

Armchair for Parker, teak with rattan back, original red vinyl cushions, Australia, c 1960s, 86 cm high, 64 cm wide, 83 cm deep

Telephone table 1960s by Parker, teak with green, woollen…
Pair of Bedsides by Parker C1960s, teak single drawer, on…
Dining table C.1960s by Parker, teak with, lipped side…

Dining table C.1960s by Parker, teak with, lipped side extensions and cigar legs, height 72 cm, length 121 cm, depth 106 cm

Early 20th century English oak armchair with barley twist…
Retro Parker teak extension table circa 1960s, 272 cm long…
Retro Parker style 9 piece dining suite comprising of an…

Retro Parker style 9 piece dining suite comprising of an extension table and 8 chairs, 226 cm long including 1 extension leaf 44 cm, 103 cm wide, 73.5 cm high.

Three miniature watercolours on ivory, signed Joy Parker
A teak Parker armchair, 1950s/60s, with a curved back rail,…

A teak Parker armchair, 1950s/60s, with a curved back rail, shaped arms and gently swollen integral supports and legs, upholstered in orange and brown tartan, height 80 cm, width 62 cm, depth 57 cm

A Parker teak and blackwood dining suite, C. 1960. The oval…

A Parker teak and blackwood dining suite, C. 1960. The oval dining table raised on tapering cigar shaped legs. The set of six spade back chairs with upholstered seats and backrest in cream leather. Table, height 70 cm, width 105 cm, length 80 cm
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A pair of Parker mid century upholstered dining chairs, height…
A Parker lounge chair and ottoman, C. 1960s, framed in mahogany…

A Parker lounge chair and ottoman, C. 1960s, framed in mahogany with caned back, fully reupholstered. Chair height 75 cm, width 68 cm, depth 74 cm, ottoman height 40 cm, width 55 cm, depth 55 cm

Pair of bedside tables by Parker C1960s teak single drawer…
Chest of drawers by Parker C1960s teak five drawer height 107…
A Parker three seater sofa, circa 1960 with original upholstery…

A Parker three seater sofa, circa 1960 with original upholstery and bears the company's logo on the front rail 74 cm high, 180 cm wide, 63 cm deep

Parker teak nesting tables circa 1960s
A drop-leaf dining table and four chairs, by Parker for Airest,…

A drop-leaf dining table and four chairs, by Parker for Airest, in acacia blackwood. C. 1960s. The chairs with original vinyl upholstery resting on slim tapered legs. Table height 74.5 cm, width 91.5 cm, depth 91.5 cm (unextended), height 74…
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Parker furniture, two Australian Scissor chairs, birch, with…
A Parker four piece Display/Bookcase cabinet, 1972, four…

A Parker four piece Display/Bookcase cabinet, 1972, four section each containing a two door cupboard, open shelf & glass door cabinet, stamp to back Parker 16 Nov 1972, 230 x 367 x 45 cm

Three timber & black upholstered Parker chairs
Three timber & black upholstered Parker chairs
A Parker butterfly extension dining table with four chairs &…

A Parker butterfly extension dining table with four chairs & two carvers, chairs upholstered in purple pink fabric table 72 x 176 x 120 cm extended (Dia 120 cm)

A Parker style two door cupboard 78 h, 93 w, 45 d.
A Parker butterfly extension dining table 73 x 128 x 101 cm,…
A three blonde oak Parker style armchairs in cream upholstery
A pair of Parker style upholstered armchairs in salmon…
An eight piece vintage Parker teak dining suite, 1960s, with…

An eight piece vintage Parker teak dining suite, 1960s, with original labels and swing tags, an oval two leaf extension table, six sabre leg dining chairs including carvers with gold velvet seats and splats…

Parker teak nest of tables, 53.5 cm wide, 52 cm high
A Parker furniture sideboard, in excellent condition, 77 x 156…
A Parker Scissor chair, blue velvet on structured frame,…
1960s Parker teak extension table, 218 cm long (including 2…
Parker Furniture, Coffee Table, c. 1960, teak, square top with…
Parker Furniture, Dining Table, c. 1960, teak, extendable,…

Parker Furniture, Dining Table, c. 1960, teak, extendable, height 72 cm, width 218 cm, (extended) depth 91.5 cm. Provenance: The Estate of Barry Martin, NSW

Three 1960s teak Parker dining chairs (some Losses)
A fine 1960s Parker teak sideboard with cocktail cabinet
Tony Parker. A two tier coffee table. Teak with wicker feature.…
Parker furniture, circular dining table, labelled under top,…

Parker furniture, circular dining table, labelled under top, approx 70 cm high, 140 cm diameter

Retro sideboard, Parker style, with 3 centre drawers and 2…
A teak two-tiered side or telephone table, circa 1950-60s, in…

A teak two-tiered side or telephone table, circa 1950-60s, in the style of Fler or Parker, of rectilinear form, the table with a moulded edge and surmounted by a smaller two sided box-like compartment designed to hold a telephone book…
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A good Parker style butterfly extension dining table 183 cm…
Parker sideboard with 4 drawers (1 fitted) and 2 doors, 183 cm…

Parker Spade Back Dining Chairs

